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Follow Your Dream (FYD) CLG is a registered charity, an innovative project, set up in March 1998 in the Bawnogue area of Clondalkin, Dublin. The project was established with a view to meeting some of the needs of the young people and their families. It was initiated as a response to the rise in drug use, crime and unemployment in the area. 


What are the objectives of the project? -

To promote the growth and development of young people in disadvantaged areas, to increase their confidence and self esteem and assist them in acquiring new skills and developing their talents. The project focuses on involving the children, their parents, the school and the wider community in working together to achieve growth. Providing a forum for parents and children to spend quality time together is an important feature of the project as it allows for sustainable development outside the project. The aim of FYD is to instill a sense of belief in the children and their parents, that they are capable of achieving their goals and ambitions through their own determination and the support of others.


How does it work? -

The project targets children in 5th class in primary school and they can remain part of FYD for as long as they like, we have young people doing their leaving certificate who are still a part of the project. Initially the  young people are asked what interest they would most like to pursue and they are offered the opportunity to participate in same. All research regarding cost, venue and times is undertaken by the young people themselves. At present we have approximately 125 young people involved. We endeavour to subsidise related costs where possible. Project is based around the school terms whilst Easter and Summer Camps are also supported.


Who runs the Project? -

The project has a voluntary committee of parents, mandated by the board of Directors. They are a truly valuable resource to the project and all committee members are vetted by the Garda and have undertaken Child Protection Training. We are a registered Charity, number 20042141, with the Charities Regulatory Authority.


How do you currently fund? -

Constant fundraising such as raffles bag packing, variety shows, carol singing, spot the ball, mini marathon, sponsored walks, private donations and grants. Monies raised go to the provision and funding of the children's chosen activities.

Follow Your Dream CLG


93 Ashwood Road


Dublin 22



00 353 0(1) 457 1792

Copyright 2014 Follow Your Dream CLG. Registered Charity Number 20042141. Registered Address RIchardstown, Ballyboughal,, Co. Dublin. All rights reserved.

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