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Follow Your Dream Project



Follow Your Dream Project


2017- 2018 has been another busy year for Follow Your Dream, beginning with our re-launch in early September for those who were already members and then our launch for new members  later in the month.


In our evaluation with parents/guardians, parents found the project excellent and acknowledged that it made a difference to their families. With the exception of one of the parents they wouldn’t change anything. She requested a bit more communication re upcoming events/fundraisers to allow parents to plan so they can attend. All events; bowling, pantomine, quiz and beetle drive proved to be popular during the year with the Christmas Pantomine topping the list.


As usual our members have been involved in pursuing a wide range of activities: swimming, water safety, art, basketball, gymnastics, horse riding, martial arts, ballet, singing, drama and dance; through different stage schools, music; learning to play various instruments: violin, flute, piano, guitar, drums, recorder and banjo. During the past year members have been attending up to thirty five different venues in pursuit of their dreams.


The young people were happy with the activities which they had chosen apart from a few who now have the opportunity to explore another option.


Young people in their evaluation of the year were very positive about their experiences.


The best thing about Follow Your Dream according to them was that they:

  • found it helpful

  • had fun

  • got better at their chosen activity 

  • able to do something they liked/loved

  • given different opportunities

  • it’s not too expensive

  • the option to change activity if they feel they need to

  • getting to meet new friends

  • participating in their chosen activity

  • Got to follow their dream

  • all the help

  • everything

  • getting help from Follow Your Dream when an activity they want to do is too expensive

  • being able to take part in competitions

  • enjoying meeting new friends

  • having fun nights

  • getting to go out as friends

  • all the work you do for us

  • enjoying their activity every week

  • all the events

  • achieving/improving in their chosen activities and feeling great about it

  • the option to move to a different club in order to enhance their performance/achieve more

  • learned a lot about different aspects of activity

  • got confidence and opportunities to compete


Our basketball players were in Barcelona with Dublin Lion’s basketball club where they had great success. We say “well done” to them.


Parents and young people alike have expressed their gratitude to Follow Your Dream for the opportunities they have been afforded and for the financial assistance which they have received without which they would have been unable to avail of the many areas they are involved in.


Due to the heavy snow and inclement weather we had to re-schedule our quiz night but again a great night was had by all. Our final event for the year was our annual Beetle Drive which was a real fun night with lots of prizes.



During the past year two schools in the Clondalkin area were approached to see if some of the young people would be interested in joining Follow Your Dream. We received great support from the principals in both schools who were very interested and appreciative. A meeting was arranged for the parents and children and as a result seven young people joined and are doing well in their chosen activities. It is hoped to further extend the project during this coming year so that more young people can follow their dreams and be supported in doing so.


We are deeply grateful to Dublin Bus who once again provided free transport for our bowling night in Blanchardstown and to the Helix for the pantomime “Beauty and the Beast”. Both these events enabled parents and young people to spend quality time together in a relaxed and fun way.


We express our sincere thanks to the manager and staff of Leisureplex Blanchardstown who always make us feel so welcome and are attentive to our every need.


We thank Glanmore and Ritchies for their support during the past year and those who sent donations.


We deeply appreciate and are truly grateful for the continued generosity of our benefactor’s family which enables us to provide support for our young people and their families.


Crosscare to whom we are affiliated as always have been very supportive of the project providing child protection training, assisting in drawing up our risk register, and in reviewing and updating our child protection policy.


We say a big “thank you “ to our local schools who provide us with a venue for our meetings, quiz night and beetle drive and who are always so welcoming  and supportive of the project.  


Our committee members are to the fore when it comes to facilitating meetings, organising and assisting with fun nights, following up on members and taking care of the accounts. We thank them for their generosity in volunteering with follow your dream, giving of their time and skills and their commitment to the young people and the community.


We hope that Follow Your Dream with the help of so many people will continue to grow and develop and make a difference especially in the lives of our young people.


October 2018

Follow Your Dream CLG


93 Ashwood Road


Dublin 22



00 353 0(1) 457 1792

Copyright 2014 Follow Your Dream CLG. Registered Charity Number 20042141. Registered Address RIchardstown, Ballyboughal,, Co. Dublin. All rights reserved.

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